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Jul 14, 2020

Show Notes 

IMPT NOTE: I have concluded that this episode (as well as #158 with Terry Hershey last week) are certainly among all-time my favorites. This show seemed to start a bit slow, but once we hit stride Dena Crowder was brilliant! I hope this show impacts you the way it impacted me.

In late June of 2020 I was...

Jul 8, 2020

Show Notes 

I’m really interested in how our show evolves today, because I think today’s topic may be the most challenging we have ever discussed. What we are going to talk about is something that money can’t buy, translates into all languages, and yet it takes enormous desire, time and discipline to cultivate....

Jul 1, 2020

Show Notes 

Today I plan to dedicate our show to an unsung but essential topic: I want to discuss the potential shortcomings related to economic and social aid to the Developing World, (or in old terms, 3rd World countries).

Basically, the question is this: is your investment in the poor and disenfranchised in the...