Nov 14, 2024
Show Notes
Well, we’re finally back with our dear friend Terry Hershey. The topic we will chat about today is the role of the ordinary—the everyday—in the lexicon of spirituality.
For most of us, the idea of the Divine is often thought of a special, unique, and oft times spectacular occurrences. When the truth is God is most frequently found in ordinary occasions of work and play and familiar relationships.
The word “epiphany” comes to mind which we understand “seeing God” in the miraculous or the special. But the dictionary definition simply means a “manifestation of God” and in our minds divine manifestations occur daily and regularly.
Terry Hershey’s new book, Sanctuary – Creating a Space for Grace in Your Life, not only defines where we can find God, it also describes and suggests habits for doing so. It’s a way to approach and embrace your daily life through a lens of grace, freedom, and contentedness.
So… let’s get at it.
Find out all about Terry Hershey and Sabbath Moment HERE.