Dec 6, 2016
Our odd topic today is titled, “The Noble Pursuit of Boredom.” This show will offer unique ideas on boredom.
This might seem a bit peculiar to most people. It sure is for me, because, honestly, I am scared to death of boredom. I’ve got to be doing something somewhere in order to feel valued or needed or happy even.
When the real question is, ”Why do I need to be seeking busyness to make my life feel worthy or happy?” One of my greatest fears with quitting doing a job for a living was to feel bored or useless. Further revelation has caused me to reconsider the need for either one of those things.
This was a huge hole in my soul—and many other people—that needs to be rectified by something other than busyness.
One of my all-time favorite quotes is by Susan Ertz who writes: "
Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."
Daniel Klein, Travels with Epicurus
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