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Feb 7, 2019

Show Notes 

As you know, I have been highly impacted by a book from Richard Rohr titled Falling Upward. In this book Rohr emphasizes the distinctive transition from 1st to 2nd Half of Life. In short, the first half is generally triggered primarily by an ego-driven focus of building up your needs for self-esteem and self-importance, which are often referred to ego-driven needs. Rohr points out that this is a most important and necessary part of life because it establishes the confidence and credentials to proceed to vastly meaningful life.

The 2nd half is a transition that most often occurs in in the latter third of life, generally becoming apparent more in the 60’s and early 70’s. We used to call it growing old gracefully but I think it entails so much more. In the 2nd half we can find that we are much less obsessed with building up the ego. We somehow discover contentment with ourselves and find the desire to focus more on soul enriching activities such as service and a willingness to build relationships with people of like-mindedness.

Today Producer Paul and I will banter about the precepts involved in primarily the 2nd half of life as we also explore the more common ego-driven approach of the 1st half.


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