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Dec 28, 2021

Show Notes 

Well, here we are. 2021 is done. And it was, shall we say, a challenging year. Today I have our dear friend Terry Hershey with me to discuss our end of year thoughts.

But you know what… I am choosing not to focus on the endless conversations and issues concerning covid and our tiring national crisis of...

Dec 21, 2021

Show Notes 

Today’s subject is not a light one. In fact, it may be one of the most troubling subjects I have discussed on the show after more than 130 episodes. Today is about very deep human pain and suffering, AND the potential learnings that can result, if one chooses to take that path.

Although we may love...

Dec 14, 2021

Show Notes 

Well … here we are in the 2nd week of our Christmas/Advent series titled Has God Become Irrelevant? In just 20 years church attendance has declined by 23%, for 70% attendance in in the year 2000 down to 47% in 2020.

Although the are indeed many sociological and religious reasons for this decline, I believe...

Dec 8, 2021

Show Notes 

In his brilliant book on managing your innermost self, our guest today, Shasheen Shah, speaks of recurring emotional triggers, ones that have haunted some of us for decades. In dealing with his own emotional triggers Shasheen writes, “… I discovered that although I was forty, I was reacting as my...

Nov 30, 2021

Show Notes 

Church attendance has declined by 23% since 2000. In 2000 around 70% of Americans claimed to attend some kind of “house of worship.” In 2020 that number has declined to 47%


THIS Show is all about the “personness” of God, that God does have the same feelings as we. Suffering, mourning, joy,...