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Dec 30, 2020

Show Notes 

So Paul. We are recording the last episode of the year today.

To do so, I want to have a chat with our friend Terry Hershey to talk about beginnings and endings. We will talk about TS Elliot and his poetry in the Four Quartets, especially the second poem, East Coker. Where he writes, “In my beginning is my...

Dec 16, 2020

Show Notes 

Hi Paul. Today we are reaching back to a guest we had on the show about one year ago, my son Austin Hedges. Austin is a professional baseball catcher for the Cleveland Indians. After nearly a decade of playing since graduating high school for the San Diego Padres, he was traded in late August to the...

Dec 2, 2020

Show Notes  

I am very passionate about the topic for today. You see I have sort of an aversion what is known as “linear growth.” You know, the old 3 or 5 Steps to Accomplishing the Life You Want.

I think linear growth is quite effective when learning and even mastering a particular discipline. But… even then,...

Nov 18, 2020

Show Notes 

Who doesn’t love Fairy Tales?

Today Terry Hershey and I will engage in yet another very impromptu discussion. This time we plan to dive into the, may I say, treacherous waters of Fairy Tail.

As kids, so many of us were “Walt Disneyed” with challenging and happy-ending Fairy Tales, which offered hope...

Nov 11, 2020

Show Notes

It is so good to be back in studio. I so prefer working with you in here rather than remotely in my home office. Now that’s odd coming from an introvert. But I think perhaps I am only a “partial introvert,” I still enjoy live conversations with interesting people.

And “interesting” certainly...