Feb 22, 2017
Our guest today is Simon Johansen, adventurer, traveler, and sometimes worker in the oil and gas industry.
When I travel alone I stay in airbnb’s. It’s an inexpensive and informative way to travel. Often the hosts will guide you to the best places to visit based on your individual needs.
I’m a lousy tourist. I...
Feb 15, 2017
Well, not totally by all by myself. My producer and radio veteran Paul Roberts will chat about the value of Travel and the benefits gained from experiences with people and cultures outside the US.
I am now in that dreaded place in life people call Retirement. If one is...
Feb 7, 2017
My guests today are Rob and Melanie currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. Rob is an Australian Scot and Melanie calls the UK and Australia home. For the last 4 plus years, they have made a new home in Stockholm, Sweden. In addition, Rob’s headquarters are in Iceland.
Yes, you can say Rob and Melanie have truly...